Wednesday 12 January 2022


 The perfect time to close the book on bad habits and past mistakes, the arrival of a New Year welcomes us to start afresh. We pledge to eat healthier, go to bed earlier, read more and stop drinking. We have good intentions. 

And then, we give into temptation.

Setting New Years resolutions is the easy part, but sticking to them? Not so easy. Which is why I thought I'd come to you with this blog post.

I'm here to show you that you can meet those goals. Oh, and if you've already failed, you aren't the only one - and it doesn't matter. Let's start over. 

So, how do you stick to your New Years resolutions?

Ultimately, the key thing to remember is 'why' you're making this thing your resolution. Why is it that you want to stop drinking? What is your reason for wanting to eat healthier? Why is it that you want to start your own business?

There's a reason behind all of our New Year's resolutions, and that reason is exactly why we make them. Some of us want to start exercising more because we want to lose weight. Others wish to find a new job because they don't love what they're currently doing and they want to pursue something they're passionate about. And those are the things that we need to keep coming back to.

When you have a weak moment or you're feeling a little bit defeated, try to cast your mind back to exactly why you set this resolution for yourself. This will help keep you focused and motivate you to stay on track. You must remind yourself that in order to achieve that goal and for that resolution you set to be a success, you have to stick with it and stay strong.

Another thing to think about when you set your resolutions - or even now, if your resolution has already *technically* failed - is how you are going to make this work for you.

We can all pledge to do something, whether it's a big career change or a life-changing health and fitness regime, but how exactly are we going to make it happen?

If you're planning to change career, you desperately want a promotion or you want to start working for yourself, ask yourself how you are going to make this happen. Make a list of things that you need to do to get the ball rolling. You might need to read up on things, which might require a bit of online research or investing in a few books. You may also need to update your CV, build a website or create a portfolio to showcase your work. These are all things you can write down on your list of to-do's. Then, you need to find the time to tick them off your list.

Interestingly, last year, I decided that one of my New Year's resolutions would be to start freelance writing to earn some more money. I had friends that worked as full time freelancers in various different fields, and so I reached out to them for advice. It was this simple move that has led me to where I am today - freelance writing with a multitude of clients. 

Sometimes, you just need to determine how you are going to do something to get the ball rolling, and if you do have a bit of a slip or things aren't happening as quickly as you'd have liked, remember why you set this goal. 

I really hope you all enjoyed this blog post and I can't wait to share more with you very soon.

Lots of love,

Grace x


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