Wednesday 21 October 2020


 During our teens, we expect to fall victim to the occasional spot or five - but what we weren’t Warned about was the fact that acne is a common skin complaint in adulthood, too. 

In recent years, adult acne has become slightly less of a taboo subject. Bloggers, influencers and even celebrities have started to open up about their battles with acne in an attempt to normalise the subject and remove that sense of inadequacy that sufferers often feel. 

It’s wonderful to see people - both men and women - using their influential platforms to share their own experiences with this issue. However, what often isn’t clear is why some people get acne and others don’t. And how do you get rid of adult acne once and for all? 

Having beautiful skin is invaluable, and whilst there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having spots - nor is acne anything to be ashamed about - its so important that we all feel comfortable in our own skin. And sometimes in order for us to fine that confidence, we must establish what the trigger for our breakouts actually is. 

So, for this blog post, I am going to share the various reasons you may still be getting spots as an adult. I’ll also be sharing some top tips on how to get rid of adult acne, too. 

As a quick disclaimer, I’d like to take this opportunity to point out that everybody’s skin is different and there are many, many reasons why your complexion may be reacting in this way. I couldn’t possibly list all the causes of adult acne, but these are some of the most common. I’d also like to add that this post has been created with the intent to help those trying to improve their skin & to feel more confident about how they look as a result. This is not me suggesting that acne is something to be ashamed of, because it absolutely isn’t. 

1. Hormones 

You’d kind of assume that hormonal breakouts would reach their peak during adolescence, but unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. 

Our hormones continue to fluctuate throughout our lives for a whole bevvy of different reasons - contraception, pregnancy, periods and menopause to name just a few. 

So yeah, if you were expecting those painful under the skin spots to miraculously vanish as soon as you turned 21, sadly, this just isn’t the case. 

How to combat hormonal acne

Everybody wants to know how to treat hormonal breakouts and how to never get hormonal acne ever again - and I want to help as much as I possibly can. However, with this sort of breakout, medical intervention is usually needed - simply because there can be more complex reasons for your acne. For instance, the contraception you are using may not be fully working for you. Or perhaps there is some sort of hormonal imbalance going on internally. 

Hormonal acne tends to surface around the chin and jawline and lore often than not, they are under the skin. This means that they are damn near impossible to squeeze (very frustrating when they are so big and it feel like they need to be popped.) 

Occasionally, products containing salicylic acid can improve the appearance of hormonal spots, but ultimately, this type of acne is more than just skin deep. By all means explore your options when it comes to skincare, but be sure to speak to your nurse or GP, too. 

2. Stress 

Not many people know this, but stress has a huge impact on our skin. And this is all due to the chemical imbalance that occurs when we are incredibly stressed or anxious.

When we are stressed, anxious or upset, the chemicals inside our body become unbalanced and as a result, our skin reacts. 

How to prevent spots caused by stress 

The simple answer to this would of course be ‘don’t stress out so much.’ But let’s be real here - theres no such thing as an on/off button when it comes to stress and anxiety. If only it were that easy... 

What I would say is that if you are really struggling with stress, anxiety or depression, the best thing to do would be to consult your doctor. Your GP may look to prescribe antidepressants or refer you to a professional for CBT. Mindfulness is a great therapy for over-active, anxious minds, but you have to put the work in if you want to be successful at it. 

If you have addressed your stress and anxiety and your skin is still flaring up, it’s time to seek additional help. Your doctor will want to help you get to the bottom of the issue, and may wish to prescribe something to help. 

3. Sleep deprivation 

Sleep deprivation isn’t only bad for our mood and our concentration - it’s bad for our skin, too. And as well as causing dark circles and eye bags, this common problem has also been linked to adult acne. 

Our body does so much repairing and restoring whilst we sleep, and so when we aren’t getting enough, our faces (and frequent yawns) are highly indicative.

As a new mum, I never sleep through like I used to - I’m usually up two or even three times every night to feed & soothe Eric. This means I can completely empathise with anybody that is sleep deprived. 

Check out my blog post 'How To Maximise Your Beauty Sleep' here.

How to prevent acne caused by sleep deprivation 

Unfortunately, the only answer to this is the obvious - get more rest! If you struggle to sleep, try something herbal like a chamomile tea to relax you. Pillow sprays are a great idea, too. Oh, and don’t forget to buy some comfy pyjamas. I’m a huge fan of Cyberjammies & I love all the matching sets from Minitwinni. I discovered this beautiful brand on Instagram and as well as having a beautiful feed, their range of matching pyjamas for mum and babies is just wonderful. You can view the Minitwinni Instagram page here.

4. Dehydration 

If you’ve been wondering ‘does dehydration cause spots?’ Then the answer you are looking for is yes. Our bodies need around 2.5 litres of water every single day (at least) to function properly, stay hydrated and flush away any toxins. So, if your skin is looking tired, lacklustre and there are a few pimples overstaying their welcome right now, then it’s highly possible that dehydration is a contributing factor - if not the entire cause. 

How to prevent acne caused by dehydration? 

Stay hydrated! My top tip for this one would be to invest in a large water bottle that tells you how much you’ve drank - and to continue filling it up throughout the day. As soon as you’re running low on H20, head to the kitchen sink and fill her up. 

If you’re one of those people that struggles with water because of the lack of flavour, then why not try a cold infusion tea bag? Both Tetley and Twinings make these and they’re fab! 

5. Poor diet 

There are tons of different reasons as to why we reach for those unhealthy bites and takeaway meals, but it’s so important to curb these bad habits - not just for the sake of your skin, but for your general health and well-being, too. 

Some people are just incredibly lucky that their skin looks fabulous no matter what they eat and drink. For others, even the cleanest diet in the world won’t make a scrap of difference to their complexion. But for most of us, what we put into our bodies really does show on the outside. 

How to prevent spots caused by poor diet 

To prevent breakouts, try limiting your dairy consumption and sugar consumption. Fruits and vegetables are your skin’s best friends.

6. Skincare routine (or lack of skincare routine) 

Personally, I find my skincare regime therapeutic. I love using all my products and really giving myself a good pamper - and so taking great care of my complexion comes easy to me. 

But this isn’t the same for everyone. That being said, it really is just so important to give your skin the TLC that it deserves - particularly if you wear makeup, work out a lot or suffer badly from breakouts. You can read all about my morning skincare routine here.

How to prevent spots using skincare 

Establishing a solid skincare routine that works perfectly for your skin is so important and will help ensure that your complexion looks clear and feels beautiful at all times. 

Struggling with what skincare is best for you? Pay attention to the natural condition of your skin and the way in which it behaves. If you have dry skin, invest in moisturising skincare products that will help nourish and hydrate the skin. If on the other hand you have oily skin, turn your attention to skincare products containing salicylic acid. 

If you apply the wrong skincare products to your complexion, you will do more harm than good and your skin complaints will only become more prevalent. 

I so hope you all enjoyed this blog post and found it useful. I want to help everybody as much as I possibly can with all things beauty, so please let me know if this has helped you! 

Until next time, lovelies. 

Lots of love,
Grace x

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