Thursday 8 October 2020


 Being a mum is the most important job in the world, which is why so many other aspects of our lives have to take a backseat when we embark on this magical journey. All of a sudden, time is all the more precious and goes by so much more quickly (I can’t believe I’ve been a mum for over 9 weeks - it’s crazy!) For this reason, a lot of new mums become stressed. It’s hard to get everything done as there simply aren’t enough hours in the day - plus we’re exhausted pretty much all the time. It’s hard! 

The good news is that there are a number of things you can do and changes that you can make to improve things. There are no hard and fast rules on how to be a great mum, but if you’re like me and you pile pressure on yourself to be a supermum, then this post is a must-read. 

I’ve compiled my top tips on how to be a supermum so that you can stop stressing and start thriving. Motherhood is a blessing, but it’s also a major juggling act. Here’s how to get it right and look fabulous whilst you’re doing it...

Eric & I at Formby Beach. We had the most amazing family day out!

  1. Rest when you need to

    This is something that I thought to be counterproductive at first. I mean, how could I possibly get everything I need to do done if I’m sleeping? But seriously, this one is super important. After all, if you’re completely burnt out (which is normal when you’re a new mum), then you physically won’t be able to do all the things that are on your to-do list. You’ll also be moody and teary, which is never good. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself at least one or two short naps whilst your little one sleeps - even if you just take 10 minutes or so. That little power nap will seriously help you. 

  2. Keep a journal and write daily to-do lists

    I love keeping a diary. Diaries are great for keeping life in check and recording all those important bits and bobs that we may otherwise forget about (appointments, birthdays etc) but they’re also a great way of recording achievements - big and small - which is particularly comforting on those extra tough & tiring days. Did you take the dog on an extra long walk with your little one in his or her pram? Perhaps you made your baby smile or laugh for the first time? Write it down and give yourself a huge pat on the back. As soon as you start to applaud yourself a little more, you’ll gain motivation and feel happier within yourself. 

  3. Make a to do list

    I’ve always made to-do lists. Lists just work for me - both in my home life & my world life alike. I love that process of marking things off once they are done - its therapeutic and provides a sense of achievement. My lists consist of normal everyday tasks such as loading and emptying the washer, sterilising Eric’s bottles, vacuuming and making the beds. If I write those everyday mundane things down, I suddenly feel a lot less overwhelmed & everything is more achievable. Sometimes it can feel like there are LOADS of things to do, but when you refer to your list and there are actually only 4 or 5 jobs for you to do, it doesn’t look or feel so bad. 

  4. Talk and sing to your little one whilst you’re doing other things

    Whether I’m taking a shower, making breakfast or tidying things away, I always ensure that I’m talking to Eric. Sometimes I’ll sing things to him, but a lot of the time I just tell him what I’m doing. Babies like to know that you’re there and that you’re paying attention to them. It’s also really comforting for them to hear our voices, so whatever it is you’re doing, tell them about it! When I’m in the shower, I’ll tell Eric about the products I’m using, what I’m going to do next, how nice the shower is and pretty much everything else I can think of - and he loves it. 

    No matter what I'm doing, I always make sure that Eric is involved

  5. A small wash load every day is better than 5 huge loads at the weekend

    Loading and emptying the washing machine is arguably the worst form of housework ever. The trick with this one is to address what’s in the washing basket every day- don’t let it build up. If you’ve got one small load to do, then that’s manageable - but if you allow it to build up, then you’ll likely feel overwhelmed and full of dread when you look at the washing pile. I do one or two small wash loads every day to help ensure that I’m on top of everything at all times. And of course, whilst you’re loading and emptying, keep talking to your baby. He or she will love your little updates!

  6. Healthy, uncomplicated meals are key

    Unless you’ve got an au pair or live in help to assist you with everything, you probably won’t find the time to cook any fancy meals. The good news is that there are loads of healthy meals you can do that don’t take long to make. Chicken and veg stir fry is a really tasty, healthy meal to make, and a big salad with loads of spinach, tomatoes and beetroot is a great meal idea, too. It’s so important to load up on those vitamins, particularly when you’re a parent. Just take the pressure off yourself by preparing simpler dishes that are quick to make. Easy meals = more time to spend with your baby. 

    I love healthy food, so eating healthily is pretty easy for me. That being said, reaching for naughty snacks & quick bites is all too easy too times!

  7. Take a walk

    I always do at least one long walk every day (I always aim for at least 10,000 steps), even if the weather is bad. Having a little pooch that needs to get out and exercise is great because you have to escape the house, even if you’re feeling lazy or demotivated. I always feel tons better after getting some fresh air, and it’s nice for Eric to look at the trees, the sky and everything else that he gets to see. I also find that I appreciated everything so much more once I do get back home. Being indoors all the time can be frustrating, so get out for a bit and take a break. Everything will feel so much more achievable once you’ve had a breather.
  8. Play with your baby when he or she is awake

    It’s fine to sit and watch TV, but try not to do it too often. There are so many great ways to stimulate and entertain your baby, and the two of you will bond much more effectively by playing & learning things. Baby play mats are great and there are lots of toys available that are perfect for babies - even newborns. Rattles are great for sensory development and stimulation - as are colourful toys. 

    Eating out at Piccolino, Alderley Edge with our gorgeous little one. I love making memories & having quality family time all together.

  9. Read to your baby

    I read to Eric every single day. My friend Sophia bought us a singing book of nursery rhymes and Eric loves it. If anybody can recommend any other great baby books, please do let me know! I want to build a nice little collection for him.

  10. Make bath time as fun as possible

    Eric’s bath time has become my favourite part of the day, and I think it’s his favourite part, too. In fact, we’ve now started to give him 2 baths each day - one in the morning and one at night, just because he enjoys it so much! We bath Eric in his Shnuggle bath and we use toys to keep him stimulated and entertained whilst we wash him. Our Shnuggle bath was another gift from my friend Sophie and her husband Rhys. They also gifted us a lovely light-up Shnuggle star toy for us to use in Eric’s baths, which he loves.

    Eric adores bath time, and so do I!

  11. Allow some time to pamper yourself

    Everybody told me that I’d never get 5 minutes to myself anymore, let alone 30 minutes to have a bath and a face mask, but that simply isn’t the case. Sure, I don’t have as much time for myself anymore - I wholly expected that anyway. But of course I still manage to squeeze in some me time - and I’d encourage all mums to do the same. Even if it’s just dedicating 20 minutes each day to your skin routine, or having a couple of 20-minute baths each week - it’s crucial that you have that time to wind down. This relaxation time will allow you to recuperate and of course, keep you looking and feeling fabulous!

  12. Book your beauty treatments as normal

    And on that note, don’t sacrifice those all-important beauty treatments, either! Whether it’s gel nails, LVL lashes or a spray tan (or all three!) you are still very much entitled to treat yourself, so don’t give up those things - just time them carefully so that hubby or a parent can step in and help for an hour or so. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 

  13. Have a coffee

    Try not to go overboard with the caffeine, but equally, if you feel like you need two extra Americano’s to get through the day right now, then do it. Before Eric, I would have one coffee per day - usually during my mid-afternoon, post-lunchtime slump at work. Now though, I have perhaps three a day, and I always have one when I first wake up. Coffee gives me a kickstart in the morning and it’s just what I need to get me going on those mornings when I’m completely exhausted.

    I love my coffees - and I love being one of those mums that can take her adorable little baby when going for coffee - Eric gets lots of attention!

  14. Cuddle as much as possible 

    And finally, i couldn’t complete this list without mentioning the importance of cuddling. Babies love closeness because it’s comforting to them and provides a sense of security - and those lovely little cuddles are great for us, too. All babies are different but most parents - including Marc and I - tend to find that their babies settle much better when they’re cuddling and they have that snug physical contact, so be sure to give your baby exactly that. 

    No amount of cuddles will ever be enough - I just love him so so much!

I really hope you all enjoyed this post and I can’t wait to share more mummy life posts with you soon!

Lots of love,
Grace x 


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