Monday 17 January 2022


As I approach my 30th birthday (I literally turn 30 in 3 days… how did that happen?!) I am beginning to think more and more about the future. Don’t get me wrong, I’m perfectly content with my present situation - I have a great husband, a gorgeous baby and a nutty little pooch that keep me very happy (and busy!) but from a career perspective, I’m always thinking 5 steps ahead. 

I can’t decide whether it's a good or a bad thing, to be honest, but my career goals and what I want to achieve from a professional point of view is something I think about a lot. I know work isn’t everything and I absolutely do not treat it in such a way, but equally, I think it’s so important to love what you do. The way I see it is that we spend a huge chunk of our time working - be it at home, in an office, a coffee shop or wherever else it may be - and so it’s essential that we feel happy and fulfilled. 

And that sense of happiness and fulfilment is, in itself, an enormous success. To wake up in the morning and feel motivated to knuckle down and work on something that you’re passionate about is such a privilege  - and yet so many of us don’t have that feeling. So many of us continue to tick on, working in jobs we resent, with people we don’t like (this isn’t the case for me, by the way - I’m speaking hypothetically, because this is the case for literally so many people). And it really doesn’t have to be this way. 

Everyone has the capacity to do something that excites them and that they enjoy. So why is it that so many aren’t doing exactly that? Is there a reason people are being held back? In this blog post, I’m going to share the various different things that are stopping you from being successful and achieving your dreams. Spoiler alert: you can turn things around and find your happy work place! 

6 things that are standing in the way of you and your dreams

1. Social media

Social media can be both positive and negative - it all depends on how you use it, and how the content you consume impacts you as a person. I consciously only follow accounts that either inspire me, make me laugh or simply keep me in the loop with what friends are up to. I used to follow so many more accounts than I do now, but I made the decision to unfollow any accounts that don’t bring anything positive to my social media existence or how I feel. 

Social media is such a strange place, as the images we see - as beautiful as they often are - are incredibly unrealistic. Editing apps and filters have made Instagram a place of idealism, often removing what it is to be real - to have a house that isn’t always tidy, to feel sad sometimes and to have days where everything isn’t perfect. 

If any of the accounts you follow make you feel inferior, unfollow and never look back. 

2. Procrastination 

Putting things off can be a really difficult habit to break - but if you can get out of that cycle of procrastination and start ‘doing’ as opposed to ‘saying’, you will soon begin to notice things changing. 

I spent such a long time saying I wanted to become a freelance writer and to have my own clients, and then when I finally got to work on things - reaching out to businesses, building a website and so on - my only wish was that I'd done everything sooner.

3. Lack of self belief 

It sounds so cliché, but the only person standing in the way of everything you want to achieve is yourself. There are always obstacles to overcome, but if you believe in yourself and you're willing to work hard, there is always a way. Self belief is something that, no matter what, I have always had. I've always had this innate belief that I am going to succeed, and whilst I am a long way from achieving everything that's on my list, having that confidence in myself gives me so much comfort.

4. Sleep deprivation 

Sleep is so important, and I don't think I fully appreciated that until Eric came along. When your sleep cycle is cut short or messed up in some way, you really do feel it - and whilst it doesn't take long for our body clocks to adjust, catching some extra z's where possible really is so beneficial.

I've forced myself to run on empty so many times - expecting too much of myself when all I really need to do is get a good night's sleep, and I've learnt the hard way. Sleep deprivation makes us grouchy, touchy, emotional and lethargic. So, if you've got big dreams, my advice would be to hit the hay a little bit earlier and get as much rest as you can - you'll feel so much more energised for that extra sleep!

5. Unrealistic expectations 

Being a dreamer and having grand aspirations isn't a bad thing at all - I've always been an idealist! However, it's important to set goals within a realistic time frame. Don't be so hard on yourself. We live in an instant-gratification society that expects everything immediately, which just isn't possible. Some of our goals will take weeks, others months and some even years. Miracles don't happen overnight, but you will get there eventually, so don't beat yourself up if things don't happen for you immediately. Comparison really is the thief of joy, so try not to let the unrealistic lifestyles of those on social media get you down - our pathways to success can be both short and long.

6. Unsupportive network 

One of the most damaging things is an unsupportive network. Your friends and family should provide constant support and encouragement, and if you don't feel you are receiving that positive reinforcement, it may be time to rethink who you surround yourself with. 

I love the way Marc and my parents believe in everything I do and the fact they are so full of encouragement when it comes to my career - and I really do believe this makes all the difference. If those around you bring you down or make you feel like you can't do something, then they aren't your people. 

I really hope you all enjoyed this blog post and I can't wait to share more with you soon!

Lots of love,

Grace x


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