Saturday 5 August 2023


Becoming a parent in particular is one of the things that has really refreshed my perspective on life. I feel like the past three years has genuinely given me a true grasp of what’s important in life, and the little things ie: getting the perfect Instagram snap, reallY don’t matter to me anymore. I guess my soul feels purer these days and I want to enjoy a life that’s full in every way - full of love, new experiences, enjoying the little things and living in the moment. 

Sometimes, I meet people and I get the sense that they are surviving, but not thriving. They’re ‘plodding on’ - coasting through the days, accepting what life throws at them, but never really making the most of their time. It's as though life is controlling them, and they’ve lost (or possibly never even had) that feeling of genuine happiness and lust for life.

Changing this is something I’m really passionate about, so this blog post is stuffed full of ways to live life to the full and truly thrive. I hope you enjoy! 

How To Live Life to the Full

1. Manage your time effectively

I don’t believe in sticking to a regimented routine every single day - that could become boring, a little bit 'Groundhog Day', so to speak - but for the most part, I do believe that time management is a super powerful way of getting a hold of your life. 

Don’t get me wrong, some days, a good old lie in is just what the doctor ordered - and there's nothing wrong with mornings spent lounging in bed with your other half, little one and pooch (I love these types of mornings!) but I do find that the days where I wake up and really seize the day are my most productive. 

Through the week, I aim to be out of bed by 7AM (not hard when you have a toddler that loves getting up at 6AM...), and then on the weekends, it’s not much different, to be honest. Once I’m awake, I’ll feed Eric, feed Elvis, feed myself and then make a list of the things that I want to achieve / do that day. I’ll manage my time by writing what I want to do at each point of the day. For example - 9am: go through LinkedIn messages and emails, 10am: Phone the doctors and sort out my prescriptions etc. I appreciate this probably sounds a little bit robotic, so please believe me when I say that not every day is the same, but having a schedule really does help with work-life balance and overall productivity. 

2. Prioritise your health 

Nourishing = flourishing

I love healthy food and the way that it makes me feel. Processed foods make us feel sluggish and deprived of energy - not good when we are trying to live life to the max. Want to find your zest for life? Feed your body with goodness - vitamin-rich foods, anti-inflammatory bites, delicious flavours that are packed with powerful, body-loving properties. I start every day with a huge smoothie bowl packed with tons of gut-friendly foods - beetroot, blueberries, spinach, banana and almond milk. Toppings wise, it’s a medley of seeds, nuts and a drizzle of honey. It’s quite literally a plant-powered bowl of goodness and it tastes scrumptious. 

Staying active and if you can, doing this outdoors, is another thing that's just so good for both your body and your mind. I absolutely love doing really long walks with our pooch, Elvis. For me, this is the time that I really do completely switch off everything else for a good hour and a half, and just truly enjoy what's around me - the rolling hills, wildlife, beautiful houses and of course, my happy (occasionally insane) little dog.

3. Live in the moment 

Overanalysing past events, and looking into the 'what if' of every future moment and milestone is one way to trigger your anxiety, without fail. Do yourself a whopping big favour - let go, and live in the moment. Some things are out of our control, and the sooner we grasp an acceptance of that, the sooner we can begin relish true happiness and the moment that we are in. 

4. Identify your life stressors 

What is it in life that causes you the most stress and unease? Once you have identified the causes of your stress and anxiety, you can then determine how to deal with these things. If you can’t eradicate the stressor — for example a job you don’t love but can’t afford to quit — think about how you could manage it differently or establish fresh ways to communicate and react that might improve the situation. 

5. Establish a self care routine (and stick to it!) 

And finally, the biggest non-negotiable life improvement you can ever make - prioritising you and establishing a proper self-care routine! Loving yourself is key, and small things like journaling, a good skincare regimen, making your bed and getting plenty of sleep are all really simple but effective ways in which you can take care of your mind, body and soul. 

I really hope you all enjoyed this blog post and I can't wait to share more with you soon. 

Lots of love,

Grace x


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