Saturday 18 July 2020


With the exception of the very occasional hormonal breakout and the odd tiny blackhead on my nose, I’m quite fortunate that I have very clear skin.

But that hasn’t always been the case.

Whilst I’ve never suffered from acne as such, overzealously scrubbing my skin and applying highly astringent skincare products has in the past caused me various skin issues. Skin redness. Dry skin. Uneven skin tone.

All great fun, as I’m sure you can imagine. FYI: You can find out more about how to reduce skin redness here.

Like I say though, those skincare mistakes are firmly a thing of the past and I’ve established a great skincare routine that really works for me. And it really does feel good to just have that control. I can empathise with anyone that has struggled/is struggling with their skin. It can feel like a long, arduous journey - I get it.

With all of this in mind, for this blog post today, I thought I would share one of the best skincare products 2020 has blessed me with so far - the CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser.

The CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser is one of the best skincare products I have discovered so far in 2020

An affordable skincare product with zero gimmicks, I honestly can not recommend this face wash enough. It’s just amazing.

What I particularly love about this cleanser is that it’s got a gorgeous creamy texture that massages beautifully into the skin, but it also contains Hyaluronic acid to really help improve skin texture and encourage a brighter, healthier-looking complexion. I am actually going to share a separate blog post all about what Hyaluronic acid actually is and all the various skincare benefits that it poses - it's on my list of to-do's, so please stay tuned for that one! In the meantime, though, just know that this ingredient is great for reviving the complexion and restoring that youthful glow that we all dream of. Ahhh.

Anyway, let's get back to the review, and something that I think is really worth highlighting about this skincare product - it is not a foaming cleanser. For me, this isn't an issue, but if you prefer to see your face wash lather up as you massage it into your pores, then you may wish to try out the CeraVe Foaming Cleanser, instead. The CeraVe Foaming Cleanser is specially formulated for oily skin to normal skin, meanwhile the hydrating face wash is best for normal to dry skin.

For the best results, I spend approximately two minutes properly massaging this Hyaluronic cleanser into my pores using circular motions, before taking a Luke warm flannel and wiping the product away from my face. And afterwards, my skin really is left looking super gorgeous, fresh and glowy.

The texture of this moisturising face wash is almost like a cream cleanser and gel cleanser in one. FYI this isn't a foaming cleanser, but CeraVe do retail a foaming face wash, too

There are a lot of really expensive facial cleansers available on the market - and some are brilliant! - but this drugstore cleanser just proves that you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get perfect skin. A 236ml bottle of the CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser costs less than £10, it lasts for ages and the results speak for themselves.

Depending on your skin type (I have normal skin), you may wish to explore other products from the CeraVe range just to make sure that you’re choosing the best face wash for your skin type. You can view the full collection of CeraVe skincare products here.

I really hope you all enjoyed this blog post and j can wait to share more with ill soon. I’m the meantime, be sure to check out my blog posts 'My Evening Skincare Routine' and my 'Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream Reviewfor more of the best skincare tips.

Until next time, lovelies!

Lots of love,
Grace x

1 comment

  1. I bought this recently and love it! I'm saving it for winter when my combo skin becomes drier. You're right that it's such a bargain for how good of a cleanser it is.

    Deanna | luxandvitae.com


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